This Evolutionary Theory Might Explain Why We Prefer Glossy Things
Yes, the research is dated a couple years, but the general appeal of shiny things might be instinctual.
Yes, the research is dated a couple years, but the general appeal of shiny things might be instinctual.
We know that to keep a successful business running, you have to do a lot of planning. But that’s why we’re here! We’ve created some ways to update your site. You can use CMS to tweak a few words or you can use it to recreate your entire web presence. We created a CMS information […]
We bet you didn’t know… 8. Turkeys sleep in trees. 7. Female turkeys don’t gobble . 6. Eating turkey actually does make you sleepy. 5. Ben Franklin really wanted the national animal to be a turkey. 4. Turkeys CAN fly! 3. Turkeys have periscopic vision. (Because their eyes are on the sides of their heads!) […]
We’ve been fortunate enough to have our work featured in quite a few books over the years. But this is a first. The folks at Go Welsh sent us a nice thank you gift in the form of a letter and a little Moleskine notebook. Thanking us for getting our work featured in their book […]
So you’ve been paying people to design things for you. Fliers, direct mail pieces, landing pages, everything. It’s usually a tedious process, a lot of back and forth. And it’s a fun challenge, one we’re always up for. But we’ve been thinking: How do artists get away with just “throwing something together?” And why doesn’t […]