Why Design for Mobile: Infographic
Sources: (Pew Internet) (Smart Insights) (comScore) (Heidi Cohen) (Mark the Marketer) (EMarketer) (iAcquire) (IBM Study via Media Post) (Mobile Shopping) (eCommerce)
Sources: (Pew Internet) (Smart Insights) (comScore) (Heidi Cohen) (Mark the Marketer) (EMarketer) (iAcquire) (IBM Study via Media Post) (Mobile Shopping) (eCommerce)
It’s automatic: you wake up, check your phone, grab breakfast on the go, head to work, check your phone, send a text, call your clients, and begin working. You do all of this without ever really noticing what’s going on. You don’t have to pay attention to everything at all once, but you should pay […]
On the surface, we design websites. We make something pretty, and put it out there for the world to see. Then maybe we complement that pretty thing with business cards, letterhead, correspondence cards, and an email newsletter. One simple, pretty little package. That’s what all those template websites do, too. But design, real design, is so much […]
Cheryl Conner recently posted her thoughts on design in 2014. She promptly cites New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, saying in a recent interview, “Design does matter. And not necessarily in a way that people realize.”
This literary gem from illustrator Leeandra Cianci beckons a backstory. It was featured on Explore, a “discovery engine for meaningful knowledge.” The map re-imagines Manhattan as the setting of various scenes from film, literature and comics.