Albums We’ve Been Digging in March
A lot has been going on around here! We’ve been designing logos, updating some websites like Samuel B. Roberts, working on some email blasts for Stribling Equipment, working with Scooper Joes on getting some new flyers created; and we’ve been communicating with clients via our new email, which we’re endlessly excited about. In between client work, playing with our new babies –did you know the work we do at Entermotion is paying for 3 new lives out there in the world? How great is that?– and reading some of our favorite blogs and blogs and more blogs, (did we mention we love blogs?) we’ve been digging on these new albums.
Kendrick: Untitled Unmastered
Lapsley: Long Way Home
Wolfmother: Victorious
Polica: United Crushers
Emily Wells: Promise