
Who Would You Write To?

If you could write to anyone asking for advice and be guaranteed a response, who would you write to? And what would you ask? Would you write to Rainer Maria Rilke, asking how to get where you want to be in life? Or maybe you’d write to Steve Jobs and ask him how to manage […]

Does Standardization Come Standard?

Every website design project comes with standard features- the prices for which are included in a proposal. But what about anything beyond the boilerplate items? How does the client know what these features are, or how you price them?

We take on each project with a case-by-case mentality- and explain things to the client as we go. The majority of the time, this process works well; it gives us lots of opportunities to communicate with the client, and it gives the client opportunities to trust us.


Office-Free April.

We’re conducting a little experiment this month. We’re giving up our office. Most of us work from home partially, or totally, so it’s not a huge shift. These days, the tools to do business fit inside a shoulder bag. It’s a very interesting time to be alive. We think it might be time to embrace […]


Are You Tracking Your Workflow or is it Tracking You?

A design studio or agency does a perpetual exercise in organization. Every day, there are jobs that need to get done. Some are very small jobs. Some are larger. Others are in between. There are also the parts of whole jobs… they all need to get done. They’re all a priority. Is it even possible to manage them? How do you keep track of client issues that need to be followed up with? How do you juggle the project you’re working on with all the other projects you’re overseeing? There’s got to be a way. 

Every studio has to come up with their own method of tracking jobs through its workflow. And the system in place probably varies depending on how many employees there are within the company, whether or not there’s an account manager in place, and the number of clients the studio has at any given point during the year. 


Small update to our website:


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