Categories: General

Jingle Bells, New Year, and…Naps?

It looks like the holidays are upon us again! We’ve had a great 2015 at Entermotion — we’ve worked with amazing clients, we got to spend time doing what we love, and we worked on some exciting projects. We’ll be taking a little break for the holidays, and we’re excited to spend some time with our family and friends, eat some holiday treats, and maybe even take a nap or two.

We’ll be out of the office starting Thursday, December 24th, but we’ll be working hard on your projects again starting Monday, January 4th. We’ll be getting back to emails on the 4th, so if you have an emergency, email us at and note it in your subject line.

We hope you have a happy holiday season, and we’re excited to see what 2016 brings!

Happy holidays!



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