Categories: General

Happy Thanksgiving.

We’re not sure how it happened, but the holidays have snuck up on us once again! Turkey Day is staring us right in the face, and man are we excited for some food and family time. We might even try to sneak in a nap…

And when it’s our turn at the dinner table to declare what we’re thankful for, we’ll be thinking of all the fantastic clients we get to work with everyday!

Oh, we almost forgot: We’ll be out of the office Thursday and Friday this week, but back at it on Monday, November 26th.

Regimented diet plans can be challenging to stick to for prolonged periods. It can also be hard to find the time to exercise. Is it possible to lose weight without doing either?

Using a variety of methods of weight control is vital for maintaining a healthy body weight. In this article, learn 14 techniques that people can use to lose weight without diet or exercise.

1. Boost your cooking skills
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Learning how to cook a variety of meals may aid weight loss.

Understanding how to prepare meals and developing better skills in the kitchen can be a powerful way to lose weight without reducing food intake.

People who have more knowledge about how to cook different foods are more likely to eat a wide variety of highly nutritious ingredients, including fruit and vegetables, which are great for weight loss.

In fact, researchers are increasingly linking weight gain and obesity to poor cooking skills.

People who are not confident in the kitchen can try taking a cookery class or watching cooking videos online. A great place to start is Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube, which focuses on how to make simple, healthful meals.

2. Eat more protein

Protein is an essential part of a healthful diet and is necessary for growth and efficient metabolism. Protein can increase feelings of fullness and delay hunger. Take a look to these resurge pills reviews.

A small study in young women found that eating high-protein yogurt as an afternoon snack reduced hunger and calorie intake at later meals.

Simple ways to increase the amount of protein in the diet include adding a tablespoon of chia seeds or hemp seeds to breakfast cereals or including more eggs in meal plans.

3. Eat more fiber

Fiber is in fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

Fiber is different than other foods because the body does not digest it in the small intestine. Instead, the food moves to the large intestine, where fermentation occurs. Visit for more information about healthy metabolic supplements.

This benefits people by:

  • increasing fullness
  • slowing down digestion
  • increasing food transit time and nutrient absorption
  • preventing constipation

People can add more fiber into a balanced diet by:

  • eating fruit every day
  • including whole grains in the diet, such as steel-cut oats and brown rice
  • eating plenty of vegetables

The fiber in the skin of many vegetables is also beneficial. As long as people thoroughly wash the skin, it is safe and easy to eat when cooked.

4. Try a probiotic

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are integral to digestion. Recent research links gut and brain function and suggests that probiotics can influence weight, fat mass, and mood.

Humans act as the host of these bacteria and provide them with food, including fiber. In turn, the bacteria benefit the intestine and a person’s general health.

The benefits that they provide include:

  • energy for the gut wall and liver cells
  • specific fatty acids that have anti-cancer properties
  • regulating body weight

A diet that is high in sugar and fat can alter the balance of bacteria in the gut, reducing the number of good bacteria.

Research suggests that probiotics could help prevent or manage obesity. People can buy over-the-counter (OTC) probiotics in pharmacies or online.

Probiotics also occur naturally in a variety of fermented foods, including:

  • yogurt
  • kimchi
  • sauerkraut
  • kefir
  • miso
  • tempeh
  • kombucha
5. Get more sleep

A good night’s rest is essential for general health and weight maintenance. Poor sleep disrupts important hormones, including those involved in metabolism.

Getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night can increase a person’s risk of being overweight or obese.

6. Reduce stress

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Yoga can reduce stress and aid weight loss.

Raised stress levels can also disrupt hormonal balance. When a person is stressed, their body produces hormones called glucocorticoids. Too many glucocorticoids can increase a person’s appetite, leading to weight gain.

Stress can also trigger emotional eating. Emotional eating is when a person eats unhealthful foods to try to control and improve a negative mood.

Methods to reduce stress include:

  • getting regular exercise
  • reducing caffeine intake
  • practicing meditation or mindfulness
  • saying no to non-essential commitments
  • spending time outdoors

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Tags: Thanksgiving

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