Crown III Puts a Heart On It

Should home buying remain stuffy, scary, and confusing? Crown III Realty didn’t think so and neither did we. Want to know how many houses are on the market, which ones have upcoming open houses, and exactly how your agent can help you settle in to the home of your dreams? Easy pop-up references, bright displays, and slide-out tips make it easy for buyers and sellers to get all the info they need fast. Want to be able to save those houses to your favorites? Put a heart on it. We did. 

Example of Crown III Realty's responsive website design by Entermotion

We didn’t want to make people click to zoom, and we borrowed an idea from eCommerce that ended up taking over the site. Large images, not postage stamps. That was the main idea behind the redesigned photos, and it carried us through the entire site. 

And we had fun developing a well-curated home page that highlighted some of the most interesting or beautiful homes in Wichita. 

We focused on some important features:

* An interactive map search that integrates with Google Maps and the MLS to pull and reflect accurate data

* An external storage system to maintain the hundreds of thousands of pictures the site holds

* A CDN to make sure all static assets are delivered as quickly as the visitor’s internet connection will allow

* Direct MLS access to make it possible for buyers to receive up-to-date listings

* A password-protected feature to allow buyers and sellers to log in, track your favorite homes, and receive email updates

* Listings sortable by year built, price, or recent building

* Open house information that slides up on hover

* Database to store favorited houses when a visitor registers for an account 


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