Stand Up For Yourself.

“The way you feel about yourself and your talent sets the tone for all your client interactions. Think of your clients as mirrors. If you complain they don’t treat you well it’s probably because you’ve taught them not to treat you well. If you complain they don’t pay you on time, it’s probably because you’ve taught them not to pay you on time. If you complain they expect you to do work you didn’t agree to, it’s probably because you’ve taught them give you work you didn’t agree to.” – LogoDesignLove

We know, all of these things are easier said than done- especially when you’re super kindhearted by nature. But here’s the thing you can’t forget: you choose how you run your business- not your clients. You should set the standards, and demand they be met. Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean you have to be rude; it just means you have to be firm. 

Get out of your comfort zone (pushover, who?), and take a stand. Your clients appreciate boundaries- even if they’ll never admit it out loud.


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