New site launched –

the new Q-Line public transit website by EntermotionSeveral years ago we were chosen to help launch a public transit program here in Wichita. It was a big undertaking. Within a short time we had to come up with a name, a logo, a website, and supporting materials. It’s still one of our favorite projects… Luckily we were picked to work on the program again this summer.

The Q-Line is a great way to hop around to all the fun spots downtown. Park once, – ride all night. If you’ve never been on – you’ve got to try it out. We all love our cars, – but there are a hundred reasons why public transit is a smart move these days; Especially when it’s clean, fast, and air conditioned. -Did we mention it only costs a quarter?

Look for the posters and brochures around town. For route info, and FAQ’s check the website:
The new Q-Line website

We finally retired one of the original parts of the first website -a small flash game where you drive the trolley.


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