It’s at a time like this when a smart company begins to make a distinction between advertising and branding. Advertising is what you do when you need more work. Branding is how you command higher rates, and keep the business you do have. Both of them rely on each-other, and the line can be blurry in some cases. The important thing to realize is that you ARE branding yourself whether you know it or not.. Advertising happens on purpose, but branding can be an accident.
When Millennium made the conscious decision to catch their breath and tell their story, we were happy they chose us to work with them. With the help of Franson Consulting (portfolio)we put together a brand new website for Millennium that launched today. It has interactive flash, and lots of css and javascipt; but the technology is just a tool. The important thing about the new Millennium site is that it authoritatively projects their new brand and tells their story purposefully.
Congratulations Millennium! We hope the next decade is as successful as the last.
See the new Millennium website
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